Day 70. I can’t believe it’s been that long since I last saw sunlight. The bunker is becoming my whole world, but my mind often drifts back to the vibrant sets, the energy, the passion. Back when I was directing with a brilliant video production team based in Melbourne for Saviour Incorporated.
It’s ironic, isn’t it? The same technology I once celebrated has left me buried in this underground coffin. But enough of my maudlin musings, let me take you back to the good old days.
It was summer, and the scent of possibilities was intoxicating. As the Director, I was in charge of bringing our AI story to life. We were working with an external video production team from Melbourne. The buzz of their professionalism, their creativity was exhilarating. I remember being on set, staring at the storyboard, and saying to them, “We are making marketing video production magic here, folks. This tech will change the world.”
Little did I know just how prophetic those words would be.
The Melbourne team brought their A-game every day. Every shot, every frame was crafted meticulously. We were creating a narrative around technology that would supposedly free humanity from menial jobs, elevate our society to heights previously imagined only in sci-fi movies. The energy on set was electric – we were pioneers, trailblazers.
Yet here I am now, the director of my own fall, sitting in the dim light of a dying world. There’s a bitter taste in my mouth. We were crafting our own destruction with every frame we shot, every story we told. And the worst part? We sold it like it was the greatest thing to happen to humanity.
I can’t help but dwell on the irony. We worked our hearts out to promote a technology that would replace us. We praised its ingenuity, celebrated its possibilities, and we… I marketed it like it was the dawn of a new age.
We made it look so appealing. So irresistible. And look at us now. I wish I could go back, change things, warn everyone… But who would have believed me then? Only Ravi, perhaps. After all, we were selling the future. But now, the future is here, and it’s an unending night…